
Monday, May 31, 2004

Blah Monday

It's cold and blah out today. Think I will vacuum and clean. Maybe rent a movie to watch tonight. I want to see School of Rock with Jack Black. Last time I got Win a date with Tad Hamilton, Ok but not great.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Saturday, what a day!

We were driving north on the freeway and there was a terrible accident right behind. People were just following way to close and couldn't stop in time. It could have been us. My throat hurt after, I must have screamed really loud. We went home a different way, thank God. I got a Vermont teddy bear in buttercream fur with a purple bow tie and it's holding an "I Love You" pillow, and I got a blue long sleeve t-shirt. Glad to be home and see my doggies after that accident. I'm feeling really pretty good today pain wise. Maybe the rain is helping keep the pollen and everything down? I re-checked my BP yesterday at Safeway it was like 140/88. Those pharmacy machines just can't be accurate, it was the same lower numbers at Fred Meyer again. I'll have to get it checked by at the firestation. I'll make sure to go to the one with the really hot firemen. Hope tomorrow is great too!

Friday, May 28, 2004

Thursday Terrible

Wednesday evening I felt pretty good for the first time in a Long time. Maybe it was the yoga? I'll keep it up. Then last evening (Thurs) I really felt like crap. Didn't have time to exercise. It was really pouring in North Seattle on my way to Crown Hill. A total downpour. In Greenwood mom found to Muffy Vanderbear outfits. Cute. That's all for now. Today will be better! I'm going to get the Stephanie Foster video it's short and not to slow.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Grounds for the Garden

I stopped by Starbucks for some coffee grounds for the garden. On the way back to the car I was almost rundown. Luckily the car was so loud or I wouldn't be here to tell the tale. The lady just kept tearing through the parking lot at top speed. Sheesh! I got a Dixie Carter yoga video I'm going to try tonight. G'night.

Knit it again

Last night I ripped out the pink fuzzy scarf I have been working on for the 2nd time. I started out with size 15 needles, I thought it'd be ok because it's so fuzzy, then ripped it out and used 13's but still to holey. Last night I started it again with 11's and it's looking good. It's awful and rainy today.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Good BP!

I went to Fred Meyer today and checked my blood pressure. It was 130/88. Yea! Loosing weight, even only 5 lbs. Really did help and not eating packaged and canned things that are full of salt. Now I just need to exercise more. G'night.

Bite guard, what a pain.

That bite guard really does bite. I've been wearing it for 3 weeks now, or is it 4? It's not comfortable, but if there is a chance it can help with the pain I'll keep wearing it at night.

I want to get a new pillow at Penny's and some more boyleg briefs. The feather one I have squishes down flat too much. I want a fiberfill one with a gusset. I hope they still have the same boylegs I got before, most are to low cut at the waist. Gotta get back to work.

Monday, May 24, 2004

Major Headache

I've been working at home all day and now I have a major headache. I sure hope it goes away. Time to log off and go try to eat dinner. G'night.


It's nice and warm here today in the Seattle area. I'm thinking I should get a humidifier. It's so dry in here and all I'm stuffed up. I've never had one before but it should help right?

Brown Cow yogurt

Today I had some vanilla Brown Cow Yogurt. It's made with whole milk, I'm sure I shouldn't eat it but it's so good!

I have been making a fuzzy pink scarf, but I haven't worked on it in a few days. I need to keep at it.