
Saturday, May 29, 2004

Saturday, what a day!

We were driving north on the freeway and there was a terrible accident right behind. People were just following way to close and couldn't stop in time. It could have been us. My throat hurt after, I must have screamed really loud. We went home a different way, thank God. I got a Vermont teddy bear in buttercream fur with a purple bow tie and it's holding an "I Love You" pillow, and I got a blue long sleeve t-shirt. Glad to be home and see my doggies after that accident. I'm feeling really pretty good today pain wise. Maybe the rain is helping keep the pollen and everything down? I re-checked my BP yesterday at Safeway it was like 140/88. Those pharmacy machines just can't be accurate, it was the same lower numbers at Fred Meyer again. I'll have to get it checked by at the firestation. I'll make sure to go to the one with the really hot firemen. Hope tomorrow is great too!


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