
Sunday, October 03, 2004

Sunday Cardio & Strength

Yesterday I did not get around to exercising because I had to go somewhere early then I ate when I got home and couldn't to it. Oops. Lots of excuses. Oh well.

Today I did Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds 1 Mile tap (20 min) then I did the heavy day of weights from the old '03 Prevention article. I did 3 sets of six reps using 8 lb weights and then I did some extra ab exercises.

I just finished reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, it was pretty good. Now I am reading Say it With Poison by Ann Granger. Last night I watched 13 going on 30 it was pretty borring. Everytime I rent a video lately, it turns out to be a waste of time. Desperate Housewives is on tonight, I hope it's good. Cio!


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